Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
Don't you love this time of year? It's just beautiful.

Earlier today, I took Sweet B downtown and did the whole trick-or-treating thing. It was a lot of fun. But holidays also call for special dates with hubby too!

As a rule, hubby and I try to have a date once a week. Every Friday when possible. But we have a special movie date for most of the major holidays. For Halloween, its Arsenic and Old Lace of course!

Oh, Cary Grant. One of my Hollywood hero's. Hubby introduced this movie to me when were dating and I loved it immediately. Actually, most of our favorite movies are black and white. Or at least made before the 1970's. They were so much more appropriate back then (for the most part). I am constantly being more and more disgusted with the filth that is in movies and on television these days.

It's horrible!

But on a positive note. This movie is wonderful!

It's a great comedy that really goes with the Halloween theme.

I try not to have movie nights with hubby that often. I mean, where is the creativity in that?
But then again, who can beat snuggling with your spouse while watching Cary Grant?

...That's what I thought.

Did I mention it has a touch of romance? Just a touch.
If you haven't seen this movie yet, watch it! It's great. It's CLEAN! No nudity, no sexual anything! That's my kind of movie. They are hard to find anymore. Sheesh!

What Halloween traditions do you have? Tell me about it, I would love to know!

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Love Notes by Lauryn

Friday, October 28, 2011

Dating while apart

Hubby left for a business trip of sorts, and won't be here for the weekend. Sad.
That means he won't be here for our Friday Night Date Night. Sad again!

Since we can't be together I decided to show some love in a different way. I thought I would share my ideas with all of you.

Just before he left I was super sneaky and put a few notes in his suitcase and wallet.

I taped one to the inside and put another on top of his pajamas.

This next one is my favorite. I happen to be the penny pincher in our marriage. I thought I would leave him a little reminder to watch what he spends since I wont be there to keep him in check.

He had a sweet surprise for me too! A bouqet of beautiful yellow roses! Aawwww- right?
Earlier in the day he ran to the store and grabbed these for me. Just because.

Then it was hugs and kisses and he was out the door. Good luck hubby! Have a safe trip!

What do you and your spouse do for each other while your apart? Leave me a comment. I would love to know!

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

OK , OK so this isn't technically a free date. But it is still cheaper than dinner and a movie. You have to give me credit for that.

It was all inspired by this little thing.

How cute is that? Sweet B's grandma sent that to her. Grown in her very own garden!

Since it is Halloween season, we decided to carve bigger pumpkins as a family for date night.

It was a lot of fun to introduce this tradition to our Sweet B. Both hubby and I realized that neither of us had carved a pumpkin in around 6 years. Crazy!

And I forgot how much fun it is!

Sweet B normally has a short attention span and doesn't stay in one place very long but she loved this! She was content to play with her pumpkin until we were all done.

I also forgot how absolutely disgusting the insides feel on your hands. Gross!

It was well worth it though.

I received three very important things out of this date. Jack-O-Lanterns on our front porch. A new memory and tradition for our little one. And quality time with my hubby.

That's a whole lot of happiness for only $9 (if I do say so myself).

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Just Married with Coupons Thankful Thursdays Button

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jericho Road

Once upon a time, I was a typical pre-teen. Which also means that I was fan of a boy band. I had all their CD's (including their devotional ones with talks) and memorized them by heart. I even went to a concert and got their autographs and a t-shirt.

Yes, its true. I loved Jericho Road.


So where am I going with this? Not too long ago, one of the band members moved into our ward. Too funny right? Not only that, but hubby home-taught his lovely family for awhile too. It is such a small world; especially in the LDS church.

Since they have the Virginia connection, the whole band came out here to give a concert. I thought it would be fun to go again...10 years later. Just for kicks and giggles.

I couldn't help but laugh. Last time I saw them I was 12 or so, super chubby and THRILLED to be at my very first concert. Ever.

My, how times have changed.

I dragged hubby along. He was not too excited about seeing them and made a point not to be photographed either. Oh well, at least he came.

I brought a few photos from that concert way back when. The guys all got a good laugh out of it. In those photos I was short.

And now I am taller than all of them. HA! May I tell you how much I HATE this picture of me. HATE HATE HATE. But it's for the record. So there. I did it and will never look at this again. (And it wouldn't hurt my feelings if you didn't either. )

Our neighbor was nice enough to watch Sweet B for free and the concert was free too. Score! Another free date and a good laugh.
Mission Accomplished.
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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Walking Tour

Hubby and I are fortunate enough to live in Virginia. A state crawling with history. So for our FNDN this week, we decided to take advantage of it and go on a FREE walking tour of Lexington, Virginia.

There were some really interesting facts that we learned. The streets, for instance, used to be about 10 feet higher. In an attempt to make the hills more even, the civilians embarked on a 10 year project to lower and straiten the city streets.

The balconies you see were the original front doors; even 

with the street at the time.

Pretty amazing huh?

Sometimes I forget how old Virginia is. Our town was 

settled in 1777. Check out this building. Built in 1789! Since 

Hubby was born in Germany he is always talking about how 

nothing in America is old. This is pretty old to me!

This too!

We really lucked out on the weather too. A light jacket did 

the trick for Sweet B and I. Fall is definitely here, and I am 

loving it.

We stopped by Stonewall Jackson’s grave.

After he was buried, they decided to make a monument for him in the same cemetery.

Just like a true southerner, he is facing his beloved south; 

his back to the North. Every statue of him faces South.

These are Lexington bricks. The original parts of town still 

have them. Either in the bulls eye or star shape.

It's all over the city. Even on garbage cans!

I LOVE the beautiful fall leaves here. Growing up, I didn't 
really have this. At least not on this scale.
They are gorgeous!

The tour we went on was lead by a local woman and started 
at the local visitors center. There were some other tourists 
in our group as well. Complete with fanny packs and all.

On a different FNDN, Hubby and I drove around looking for 

inspiration for our dream home. We thought this was cute 

too. You can check out that date HERE.

One day we will do this. Take a carriage ride through town. 

At the moment, our pitiful budget won't allow it.

Walking is better for you anyway though, right?

This building was originally a school for girls. The founder

 said at the time that no male would ever enter this 


It is now a fraternity. HA!

Sweet B had fun for the most part. At times she was bored with the history part of the tour. No worries though. She found ways to entertain herself.

On the Washington and Lee campus, there is the famous and beautiful Lee chapel.

Hubby and I went to a lecture here once before we were married!

Who knew that we would come back a couple years later with a baby of our own?

Being on a tight (or non-existent) budget forces you to be creative and do some digging. I am so grateful for it though.
Going to dinner and a movie seems so lame after some of our free and fantastic dates.

So go dig in your own neighborhood. You would be surprised how many free
activities cities sponsor and how many activities don't cost a dime. Let me know what you find. I would love to know!

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