Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
Don't you love this time of year? It's just beautiful.

Earlier today, I took Sweet B downtown and did the whole trick-or-treating thing. It was a lot of fun. But holidays also call for special dates with hubby too!

As a rule, hubby and I try to have a date once a week. Every Friday when possible. But we have a special movie date for most of the major holidays. For Halloween, its Arsenic and Old Lace of course!

Oh, Cary Grant. One of my Hollywood hero's. Hubby introduced this movie to me when were dating and I loved it immediately. Actually, most of our favorite movies are black and white. Or at least made before the 1970's. They were so much more appropriate back then (for the most part). I am constantly being more and more disgusted with the filth that is in movies and on television these days.

It's horrible!

But on a positive note. This movie is wonderful!

It's a great comedy that really goes with the Halloween theme.

I try not to have movie nights with hubby that often. I mean, where is the creativity in that?
But then again, who can beat snuggling with your spouse while watching Cary Grant?

...That's what I thought.

Did I mention it has a touch of romance? Just a touch.
If you haven't seen this movie yet, watch it! It's great. It's CLEAN! No nudity, no sexual anything! That's my kind of movie. They are hard to find anymore. Sheesh!

What Halloween traditions do you have? Tell me about it, I would love to know!

Linking up to:

Love Notes by Lauryn

1 comment:

  1. Hi new follower from the blog hop, would love a follow back! Thanks and keep in touch!
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