Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

OK , OK so this isn't technically a free date. But it is still cheaper than dinner and a movie. You have to give me credit for that.

It was all inspired by this little thing.

How cute is that? Sweet B's grandma sent that to her. Grown in her very own garden!

Since it is Halloween season, we decided to carve bigger pumpkins as a family for date night.

It was a lot of fun to introduce this tradition to our Sweet B. Both hubby and I realized that neither of us had carved a pumpkin in around 6 years. Crazy!

And I forgot how much fun it is!

Sweet B normally has a short attention span and doesn't stay in one place very long but she loved this! She was content to play with her pumpkin until we were all done.

I also forgot how absolutely disgusting the insides feel on your hands. Gross!

It was well worth it though.

I received three very important things out of this date. Jack-O-Lanterns on our front porch. A new memory and tradition for our little one. And quality time with my hubby.

That's a whole lot of happiness for only $9 (if I do say so myself).

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Linking up to:
Just Married with Coupons Thankful Thursdays Button


  1. Looks like you had a great time! We are going to carve our pumpkins on Saturday afternoon. Thanks for visiting! I am a new follower.

  2. Thank you for the nice comments you gave on my blog. The link you left doesn't come to your blog but I found you anyways! I had 23 years of a bad marriage but the past 8 have been wonderful since learning to really love my husband. I love to see young couples doing it right, right from the beginning. I look forward to following as you grow more in love with your husband as the years go by!


  3. I am so excited to get to carve pumpkins with my kiddos this year! We were out of town that week last year and didn't do it.
    Looks like it was fun!
    I found your blog thru WFMW and can't wait to read all of it

  4. I found you too! Your blog is so cute :) I clicked on shabby apple, I hope you get free stuff soon!

  5. this is a FABULOUS date idea! and 9 bucks is a mighty good deal if you ask me! thanks for linking up Mackenzie!
