Friday, October 28, 2011

Dating while apart

Hubby left for a business trip of sorts, and won't be here for the weekend. Sad.
That means he won't be here for our Friday Night Date Night. Sad again!

Since we can't be together I decided to show some love in a different way. I thought I would share my ideas with all of you.

Just before he left I was super sneaky and put a few notes in his suitcase and wallet.

I taped one to the inside and put another on top of his pajamas.

This next one is my favorite. I happen to be the penny pincher in our marriage. I thought I would leave him a little reminder to watch what he spends since I wont be there to keep him in check.

He had a sweet surprise for me too! A bouqet of beautiful yellow roses! Aawwww- right?
Earlier in the day he ran to the store and grabbed these for me. Just because.

Then it was hugs and kisses and he was out the door. Good luck hubby! Have a safe trip!

What do you and your spouse do for each other while your apart? Leave me a comment. I would love to know!

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  1. Visiting from Friday's Boost Bloggers. I love this site as I write about marriages as well. Come by my blog party today. It's happening now.

  2. Thanks for encouraging me and visiting LEA's Party! It was wonderful having another wife blogger making comments : )I tried to join your site but didn't see the Follow option.

    Anyway, this was nice what you did for your husband and what he did for you as well. My husbands a Techie and now we started Skyping whenever he travels for work....It's almost feels like a date night : )

  3. so, so sweet! i'm a huge fan of little love notes too... a couple of weeks when i was out of town i put one in the fridge and another under his pillow:) thanks so much for sharing your ideas with us, love reading about your adventures! ps- "just because" flowers are the best, aren't they?

  4. love love love little notes so sweet. and texts...texts are great too...those are the prettiest yellow flowers I've ever seen! gorg!

  5. Super sweet! I hide post-its when I go away for him to find. I send texts or leave voicemails when I can. I love how your notes include Bible verses, super thoughtful.
