Saturday, October 1, 2011


This weekend we visited the United Kingdom. Sort of.

One of the most famous sites in the world is Stonehenge. We've all seen pictures of it. The prehistoric mystery monument.

Who knew that there is a replica here in the states?

Pretty cool huh?

A guy here in Virginia made this Stonehenge from foam! (hence the name Foamhenge) How funny!

Take a closer look. Honest to goodness Styrofoam with paint.

We just thought it was hilarious! And brilliant at the same time.

Friday night hubby had a tennis match so we got up Saturday morning for our little date.
It was so cold! Fall is definitely here.

Poor Sweet B. She was a bit chilled at first.

Luckily we brought a blanket and she loves being outside.

Take a close look at this sign. I wasn't sure weather to laugh or not. Hubby was rolling on the ground laughing.


The shadows the "stones" were making were awesome!

Ta da!

Don't you love hubby's incredible hulk look? You can't see it, but he's actually wearing green shoes too. If you haven't guessed, one of our school colors is green.

We really enjoyed this little date. And it was free! Love those.

What are some free activities that you enjoy?
I'd love to know!

Happy General Conference!

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Linking up:
Tip Junkie handmade projects


  1. LOLOL "Sometimes I hide and watch." This made me laugh.

  2. Awesome Kenz! Your blog looks great and love the pix!

    I invited ladies to our house last night to make donuts while the guys were at priesthood. Very fun evening and the donuts were to die for!

  3. there is a tribute to stonehenge over here in the pacfic northwest too!

    I would love to see it one day!

    New follower,

  4. I'd love it you want to link up to TAke-A-Look Tuesdays :)

  5. Great post! I love free dates too. I would love to go on more of them. Being 8 months preggers dampers that sometimes.

    New Follower from the blog hops.

  6. I had no idea that this was in VA! I will have to tell my hubby so we can go check it out. We have lived in Va all our lives. Also I am LDS.

    Following you back from Mom's Point of View :)

  7. Great post--I wish I lived close by to take my kids.

    You’ve been featured. Check it out.

    Cheri from Its So Very Cheri
