Monday, October 10, 2011


Hallo Freunde! Und begrüßen Sie Oktoberfest!
(Hello Friends! And welcome to Oktoberfest!)

I don't know about you, but I had a fabulous weekend! Let me tell you a little about it...

Hubby was born and raised in Germany. So I thought it would be a lot of fun to have our own Oktoberfest celebration with some friends. It was an awesome group date! I sent out invitations a couple of weeks in advance and told everyone to dress up for the occasion!

Like us, our friends are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, so we don't drink alcohol. Instead, we had root beer and apple cider. Yum!

I threw together some lederhosen out of ribbon for all the guys.

I also made aprons for all the girls. In the end I probably didn't need to. These ladies are so creative. The outfits they came up with were incredible!

Even the babies got involved!

To stay with the German theme, we ate sausages and pretzels.

I am pretty sure Sweet B ate her weight in pretzels.

And so did I...

The "S" family.

The "C" family.

Most of the "M" family.

My family!

All of the Bavarian beauties.

We played a couple of games too. One was called the German balance test (I totally made up that name!).

You had to spin around 20 times while looking up at the German "flag".

Once you did that, simple drop the flag and jump over it.

It's not as easy as it looks.

We ended the evening with some bocce ball. OK, so its not German. But it was fun!

The evening was a total success. Everyone had a ball and we can't wait to have another themed party sometime soon! Any suggestions?

Auf Wiedersehen!

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Tip Junkie handmade projectsThankful Thursdays Button


  1. I'm so sad we couldn't come!! Looks like it was so much fun!

  2. oh that seems like such a blast! i love that.
    thanks so much for linking this up!!
    {love} lauryn @

  3. I love the Oktoberfest idea! It looks like you all had so much fun!

  4. I love it!! I came over from WFMW and I love the idea of continuing to date your husband; going to poke around a little now and see what else ya' got!

  5. This is amazing! I love any excuse to party! Looks like it was a great time!

  6. You are a rock star, woman! Ockoberfest? On a shoe string? And hand-made leiderhosen(sp?)??!! You AMAZE me! Such a great party. :)
