Saturday, September 24, 2011

Virginia Beach

Any guesses as to where we went this weekend?

That's right. The beach!

Hubby is on the tennis team and had some matches scheduled there for this weekend.
So, Sweet B and I decided that we would tag along.

There were some fantastic hotels right on the beach!

Complete with spas, restaurants and outdoor eating areas.
How fantastic is this place?

...Too bad we didn't stay here.

No, hubby and I opted for a cheaper option. However, you could see the water from our motel. See?


Not oceanfront but hey, it was within walking distance!

Sweet B loved it. She LOVES wide open spaces and was content to walk all over the place.

Getting there was hectic though. What should have been a 4-5 hour car ride turned into a 7+ hour trip.
Traffic was insane and the rain was even worse.

I was a little bummed because I had high hopes for parasailing.

A few hours before we got there, the parasailing company called and said it was a no-go because of the rain.
Oh well. I will do it eventually.

It rained most of the day friday. Luckily, it stopped long enough to go to the beach and watch the sunset.

And look what we saw! As the sun went down, a rainbow appeared.

And it just kept getting better!

1. Sunset
2. Double Rainbow
3. On the beach with hubby

Can you say Romantic?

All it needed was a little of this to make it perfect.

Heart in the sand.

We were so excited about the double rainbow scene that we didn't even look behind us.
After awhile hubby stopped in his tracks and started starring in the opposite direction.

Pretty beautiful on this side too huh?

We tried to save as much money as we could on this trip/date.
Instead of going out to eat for every meal, we brought snacks and also stopped at a local grocery store. Healthier and cheaper. We also opted for a cheaper hotel (Hubby may or may not be a little bummed about that).

Despite the weather and long car ride, we had a great FNDN.
See you next week!

And we love this little girl!

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  1. Seriously? A double rainbow? How amazingly perfect for a family/couple picture.

  2. I always wanted to go to Virginia Beach while we lived there but never got a chance... It looks beautiful! By the way, /i love you banner. How did you do that?

  3. Thanks! I made it on Picasa. If you don't have it you can download it from the internet. There is a button on there called collage. I chose the photos I wanted and it let me arrange them like that. Its way fun. You should try it.

  4. what a fabulous trip! and a brilliant blog! i love this! what great inspiration for all of us on a tight budget... i love how you make date night a priority! thanks so much for linking up this week!

  5. LOVE that pic of y'all on the beach!
    can you say Christmas card???

  6. Looks like you all had a wonderful time together. I love being at the beach. It is the best place in the world!

    Thanks for linking up to my Pinning & Singing Party. I hope you will be able to join in again this weekend!

    Best wishes,

  7. oooh I love your blog...good reminder to me about my marriage and the "keep dating" love love this....Sweet B is indeed sweet.

  8. oh, from swanky's blog hop.....

  9. I was so happy when I saw the title of this post because Virginia Beach is where I was born and raised. In fact, my family still lives there and I live about 20 short minutes away with my hubby, baby girl, and furbaby. :) I'm glad you had such a great time, but really, I know the rain must have been a bummer. It's been nonstop here for weeks!

    I'm here from the Something Swanky blog hop and am your newest follower! I LOVE your blog and am most definitely going to read the article on how to date your spouse. The hubs and I could definitely use some help in that department! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Kim @ Little Rays of Sunshine

  10. hey Mackenzie! i love that you and your spouse make time for each other! It's so important for a healthy relationship! My husband and I get so wrapped up in our kids and daily life that we forget to take this time ourselves. thanks so much for sweet reminder!!! I appreciate your visit to my blog and your thoughtful comments on my linen closet. take care and i hope you enjoy your weekend!!

  11. great post and wonderful pictures! I am your newest follower from the Something Swanky Blog hop! I would love for you to come check out my blog and follow me too! Thanks!

  12. Despite our close proximity we have never been to VA beach...we will have to remedy that really soon. Looks like you guys had a great time....rainbows, healthy eating and your little cutie sure equals bliss :)

  13. hi! i stumbled u !!!! found u thru something swanky!

  14. Hi, I am over from Swanky and Stumbled you! We were just there a couple weeks ago!

  15. Looks like you had a wonderful time, oh how I love the beach! Stumbled from Something Swanky.

  16. What a beautiful date night and how wonderful to see double rainbows! I hope you can go back there again soon and do some parasailing!


    Tracy Screaming Sardine
