Friday, September 16, 2011


Plan "A" for FNDN was a total bust. So, we were left with plan "B". However, plan "B" turned out to be a lot more enjoyable than we expected. And it was free! Whoo hoo! I rock at this.

Since we stayed in tonight, we waited until Sweet B was in bed and then pulled out these.

I don't know about you, but niether hubby nor I have used these in years. Like, 10+ years.

That's right, a good 'ol fashion art project was on the agenda this evening.

What will we create?

I have no idea.

Neither of us are artists. At all. So we were particualrly curious to see how these would turn out. I have a hard time with stick figures as it is.

In no time though, we were both totally absorbed in our creations.

Did you notice that I ever took the time to make myself a painters palette?

Probably because I was afraid of the actual painting painting part and was procrastinating it.

We have been watching the movie Tangled a lot. Can you tell?

Hubby took the time to sketch his out first.

According to hubby "I drew better when I was in 5th grade!"

Its OK babe, so did I.

A little childhood fun came back into our home tonight and we really were surprised at how fun it was. I must admit, we were both a little skeptical at first.

But we got some good laughs out of it.

Thats the main thing though right?

Another free date at home. Score! Hope your FNDN was as fun as ours.

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  1. Haha I love this idea!! I want to do it with Ty!

  2. So fun!!! :)
    Great idea. Plus, you both are the cutest!!!
    Have a great date this week.

  3. Such a fun idea! I love your sweater by the way.

  4. You are so funny ... "I rock at this!" Loved it!
