Friday, February 10, 2012

I'm a Little Teapot...

...Short and stout

When I get all steamed up here me shout...

Look at this place! Nuts huh? It's an honest-to-goodness teapot house!
Hubby is making fast progress on his road to recovery but was really wanting some fish. This little place just happens to be our local fish market.

The guy that owns it drives up to Baltimore twice a week to get fresh fish. I'm not a huge fish eater but since poor sweet Hubby was hurting I said he could get whatever he wanted. 

What was I thinking?

He choose wild salmon that was overnight-ed from Scotland. It cost $18 a pound!!!
For starving students, that is a fortune! Do you know how many meals of ramen noodles that would equal? And he's the only one that will eat it!!!

OK. Rant over. 

Other than that, this was a great date. What a cool building and this was the first time Hubby had been outside since his surgery. He was one happy boy. 

Do you have any quirky little shops in your neighborhood?
Go on a date and send me some pics! I'd love to feature you!

Happy Dating!


  1. Cute blog! Just stopping by from the Linky Party Hop. I hope you will visit and follow back.


  2. Cute blog! I got your comment and I added your button to my blog. I know a few other people have put my button on their blog and it works great. Did you grab the HTML from the button on my sidebar?

    Also, if you want people to be able to reply to your comments directly, follow this tutorial

  3. I think I fixed my button! Try again :-)

  4. I always wanted to go to that fish place but never managed it because it seemed like the sort of place where when you go in you feel bad not buying anything and we had no idea what their prices were like. I'm glad you went! I love fish! How did your hubs like it?

  5. Stopping by from the Linky Follower Party Hop!
