Monday, February 13, 2012

Fire Station

We went on a lot of fun dates on our honeymoon. We spent part of it in Seattle, Washington. One day, we stopped at a downtown fire station. It was great! We got to climb up and around the trucks and dress up. I felt like I was 6 years old  again. 

Most fire departments will let you visit the station and take a tour for free! Call ahead first to make sure though. We had a blast together. Childhood dreams of being a fireman and make-believe came flooding back like it was yesterday. 

Call your local station and see if you can squeeze in a date there. It is well worth it!

Happy Dating!


  1. Hi,
    I am happy to be your newest follower from the Linky followers blog hop. If you'd like to follow back you can find me at
    P.S.great blog idea!!

  2. New follower from LF Party hop. Love it if you could visit me at

  3. Found you at Queen of Savings - I am your newest Linky Follower and would love it if you linked back to TheStuffofSuccess. Thanks and have a great evening. Athena

  4. Hi, another Linky follower here :)
    You seem to be having some really good time there.
