Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"We're Sick" Date

My little family is sick. 

While being sick is no fun, it does have its perks. For instance, it means that Hubby is home!
Not so good to miss school and work but I'm trying to look on the bright side.

Since he is rarely home these days we wanted to take advantage of it and have a date.
But we both felt totally blah.
Going anywhere or doing anything besides sitting was not an option.

Reading a book or watching a movie was about the only thing we had energy to do. So we made a date of it. And since neither of us were fit to be seen, this is the only photo that will be published. We grabbed a blanket and cuddled up with a P.G. Wodehouse book for each of us. For dinner, we had some chicken noodle soup and orange juice-with a side of Kleenex. 

Even if you're sick, try to enjoy your time together. 
And hey, it's free.

Happy Dating!


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