Friday, September 28, 2012


When your husband/son/brother (any male you know) was a kid did he go to bed with his favorite toy? Or maybe piece of sports equipment? Hubby's family has told me that he would go to bed with his basketball. 

It's cute when they're boys. 

Not so cute as married men. 

Hubby works at a tennis club and is working on becoming a professional tennis player. And because of that, he feels the need to constantly practice. 

Even at home. 

Even at night.

Even in bed. 

I kid you not. This guy has come to bed with his tennis racket and played "air tennis". 

He's not allowed to do that anymore.

Anyway, we had a great date tonight!
We went to this adorable little cupcake shop in Newton, MA.

(Image sources: here here and here)

It was seriously darling! I want to decorate Sweet B's room like this place now. 
Striped pink walls. Black and white tile floor, and multicolored light fixtures.
There were lots of cupcakes to choose from and even frozen yogurt. 
Hubby got banana and I ordered a baby chocolate. 

So glad we found this little gem! 
Date night for less than $5 - SCORE!

Happy Dating!


  1. I love this post! You have such a cute personality! My husband and I love cupcakes. We actually just went to a place like this last night!

  2. Yum.. Those look good! We will have to go get cupcakes for our date night!

  3. a professional tennis player? wow! how is he liking law school?? miss you guys :)

  4. Oh yum! I wish there was some place around here like that!!!
