Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sweets and a Movie

I've been trying to eat better lately. 
Who isn't right:? 
I have banned myself from all desserts. Period. 
And you know what? It hasn't been as hard as I was expecting it to be. 
Sometimes its nice to just sit down and have you favorite sweet treat.  Just because. 
So for date night, Hubby and I swung by the grocery store and picked up some root beer and a doughnut. Yum! And then snuggled up to watch a movie together. Nothing elaborate. Nothing expensive or outrageously fun. Just one on one time with delicious food each other. 
And that's all that really matters right?

Date night? At home, relaxed, and delicious. 

Happy Dating!


  1. Now THIS looks like a date I could do :)

  2. Oh my goodness I LOVE the new header!! Very classy. :) "I Love Lucy" is the greatest! We watch it frequently - perfect when you just want to watch something short and great - plus I've dressed up her several times. ;)

  3. Ok ... it's official. You and Heidi have identical hands. For a split second it was like watching her hand clink glasses with Phillip. :)
