Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Romance Spotlight: Caitlin

Hello everyone and welcome to my weekly ROMANCE SPOTLIGHT! One of my best friends Caitlin, from Sugar Bea's Custom Cookies is here to share a fun date that she and her husband recently had. I hope you enjoy it and take a second to stop by her blog and check out her gorgeous work!
Take it away Caitlin!

Hello Friday Night Date Night readers! I'm so excited to be here, I love dating my husband and I think that dating your spouse is really important in a strong marriage. Just a little bit about us..
I first fell in love with my husband Tyler when I was 12 and he was 16 (just kidding. Seriously, though). When my parents moved into his families neighborhood I developed quite the crush, of course I had never talked to Tyler until after I had graduated high school when he called me on the phone and asked me out on a date. It's all history from there! Four months later we were married in the Bountiful Temple!
We've now been married for two and a half years and couldn't be happier! We love to go on dates with each other and we love spending time together. We have the cutest little boy in the world (if I do say so myself) who's sixteen months old and sometimes makes it a little bit challenging to go out, so one of our favorite things to do is plan a fun date at home after he is asleep. I thought I'd share our 'Sleepover' date I planned a few months ago. It was so much fun!
We (meaning Tyler) moved the couch and set up the air mattress in our family room and rented a movie to watch. I made punch,
and homemade BBQ chicken pizza,
and cookie dough dip!
To me there is nothing better than just staying home and cuddling up to watch a movie, play games, talk and eat junk food with your favorite person in the world!

Thanks so much Caitlin! Loved it!
See you next week for another ROMANCE SPOTLIGHT!

Happy Dating!

1 comment:

  1. some of our best dates are at home! it's nice to stay in- no stress!
