Saturday, April 21, 2012

Candy Store

One time Hubby and I went on a date to this awesome candy store. I mean awesome
I wish I would have taken more pictures. There was more candy than I could imagine. (Most of which I had never seen or hear of)

But to be perfectly honest, I'm not a candy person. Just not that in to it. 
Chocolate on the other hand? LOVE IT!

So while this store was absolutely brilliant, our visit was more for Hubby than me. 
He was completely giddy and got a few pounds of candy. POUNDS! 
And since visiting a candy store is every 9 year olds dream, he couldn't help but act like a 9 year old as he ate his goodies on the way home. 
Good times, good times. 

When was the last time YOU went to a candy store? Ever been there on a date? Try it!

Happy Dating!

P.S. Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a Olive Garden gift card!

Linking up:
We are THAT Family


  1. TOO CUTE, Mackenzie!! That candy store does look like a whole ton of fun!! Did you come home with anything?

    1. It was a cute store! I didn't come home with anything actually....Hubby ate enough for the both of us though. Ha!

  2. Funny! I just walked by a candy store at the mall a few days ago for the first time in forever.
    I don't think DH would be even a little interested in a candy store date, LOL.
    Mom used to take us to one every now and then when we were kids and of course, we loved it! :)
