Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Romance Spotlight: Kelly

Hello everyone! I am so excited to be starting my weekly ROMANCE SPOTLIGHT today! 

Kelly from CHECK...one...two...three has been nice enough to share the story of how she was proposed to. 

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and take a minute to go say hi to her over at CHECK...one...two...three!

Take it away Kelly!

I realized today as I was looking at blogs that it's the 7th.

6 years ago I was doing radio and it was a Friday. The show was wrapping up and I see Brandon's face at the studio window. He was waving, as soon as the "on air" sign went dark he swung open the door and said "Hey! I am picking you up from work!"

My co-hosts snapped their heads in my direction to see my reaction. I said "huh? why?"

Brandon said that he had the day off and we were gonna go up to Baltimore to the aquarium. I looked at the guys (my co-hosts) and said "oh it's friday I got a ton of things to do ....I have promos, and spots to finish up...I think I have to voice a couple of lines for an endorsement too..." The guys just waved me off and said they'd do it. Hmmmmmm....that was VERY UNLIKE them....

As I climbed into Brandon's truck we made our way down the highway. We stopped at 5 guys burgers and fries (we had never heard of that place before it was pretty new) and off we went. When we got to the Baltimore exit Brandon just kept on driving..."um babe...where are we really going?! you just passed our stop!"

Brandon reached behind my seat and uncovered a suitcase with a drop cloth...MY suitcase.

"I think we should go to the beach this weekend instead....Miami!"

My jaw dropped! Miami!?! And he said yes, "you keep talking about going to the beach and going to Florida - so we are going! Right now...our flight leaves in an hour..."and with that he took the BWI airport exit and off we went!

FUN CITY! When we got there it was super late but we went down to the beach anyway. It was so warm. The next morning we played on the beach and went exploring in South Beach. My mom and Brandon had packed my suitcase so it was jammed with every shirt and outfit option you could think of, it was great.

That night Brandon was getting ready in bathroom and was fiddling with his side-burns...I had never seen him act like that...he never cared about his facial hair. We got in the car and went for sushi. Afterwards we wanted to walk on the beach.
brandon was eating so fast, I couldn't understand why then

All of a sudden Brandon started talking:

"Kelly, when I first met you I said that God has more good thoughts about you then there are sands in the seashore," as he did this the moon shown on him as he scooped down and picked up a handful of sand- I saw something twinkling in his palm..."I want to be with you to experience all those good thoughts, and things...I want to be with you forever...." then he got down on one knee and I thought

'ohmygosh....it's happening...this is what THIS feels like....he's proposing!"

"Kelly will you marry me and be my wife forever?!"

I was jumping up and down and yelling YES YES YES! It was  like an out of body experience because I was just so stoked.
He picked me up and twirled me around...It was pitch black besides the moon light so I ran to the closest light (a nightclub that was on the beach) and looked at my ring.

that night we celebrate at a Kareoke bar that was attached to the hotel

We called our families that night and friends. And 6 months later we got married at the exact same spot.

the day after our engagement 

the day of our wedding
Anyway I was just thinking that today when I saw the date and thought I'd share the story...it was an amazing night - can't believe it was 6 years ago!
 If I knew back then how life would be I would have never guessed it.  But that's just like God, all you have to do is say "yes" and He takes care of the rest.

Thanks so much Kelly! Loved it!

See you next Tuesday with another ROMANCE SPOTLIGHT.

Growing HomeHappy Dating!

Linking up:

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