Friday, January 6, 2012

Ding Dong Ditch

Hello Again! I hope everyone has had a lovely holiday. My little family spent our vacation visiting family all across the country and I have some very exciting dates to share from the past few weeks! 

But first...

Before we left, Hubby and I were able to do some ding-dong-ditching.

So Fun!

I found some Christmas tins at Goodwill for $0.45 a piece. Score!

I spent a day baking and then we were off to deliver. 

It was seriously so fun trying to hop in the car and drive off without being seen and without killing the person trying to get back in the car!

No worries though. We made it back in one piece. 

 Sweet B came along too! She nodded off here and there. This would be a great nap-time date.

We had a ball being super sneaky together. 

Plus we all know that the act of giving makes one feel all warm and squishy inside. 

Give it a try! For your next date night, try a random act of kindness. It will make your day!

Happy Dating!

Linking up to:


  1. So fun! Little B is just beautiful!

  2. K, we could not figure out who those were from!!! Haha Thank you!! And you need to put some pictures up of Christmas break :)
