Monday, November 28, 2011

LSAT series: Post-it Notes

I wasn't kidding when I said that Hubby has been studying like a mad man. Most of the day he looks like this. Glued to his books or computer.  Poor guy.

I decided to use the power of suggestion and put little notes all around the house. I did the same thing to help me loose weight for our wedding. I swear it works!

Hubby's goal is to get a 180 on the test. A perfect score. So I put 180's on things like the calendar and his bathroom mirror. 

Also the front door and in his closet. 

And to be absolutely certain he sees them, I put one in a spot he definitely won't miss. 

Good luck on the LAST Hubby! Get that 180!

Linking up to:

Thankful Thursdays Button HookingupwithHoH


  1. I think it's really cute how to try to encourage him. I hope he gets that 180! I am your newest follower from the blog hop.


  2. Lol on the toilet!

    Thanks for coming over to

  3. Haha! What a fun idea. I hope he does really well.:)

  4. I love this idea. And good luck to your hubby - hope he gets his 180.
