Friday, September 2, 2011

Learn to Waltz at Home

To celebrate the start of a new school year, Hubby and I learned how to waltz for date night this week.

We didn't have a lot of time or money so went to our old friend youtube. There are a lot of great videos that teach how to waltz. I must say, I was very proud of my Hubby for lasting more than two minutes. He is a fantastic athlete, but lets just say that dancing is just not his thing.

While watching the video, he did a lot of this...

Staring at the screen and looking very confused. And while he did that I looked at him while thinking "Really? Is it that hard?"

Instead of forking out money for a babysitter, we waited until it was Sweet B's nap time. Then went out to the living room to get our waltzing groove on. 

 All in all it was fun. He made a lot of progress. We both did.
Free date at home AND dancing with my Hubby? I'll take that any day.
Good luck this year Mein Schatz!

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  1. Mackenzie! This makes me so happy that you have a blog! You don't even know. I have been missing you all so much a lot. I need friends... I have been wanting to call you, but have not gotten around to it yet. I will try and call you sometime this week! Miss you!

  2. You got skills, girl. Pictures of you both? I'm so not brave enough to try the self-timer on my camera. You rock. {Oh, and loving the sidebar make over, too.}
