Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Romance Spotlight: Steph

Hello everyone and welcome to my weekly ROMANCE SPOTLIGHT! Steph from Crafting in the Rain is here to share a little about her and her hubby's kissing anniversary! Too cute right? I hope you take a second to read it and make sure to stop by her blog and say hi!
Take it away Steph!

Hi Friday Night Date Night readers--Thanks for having me Mackenzie! I'm Steph from Crafting in the Rain and I get to share with you my "Kissing Anniversary" gift I gave my husband a couple of months ago. It had been 10 years since our first kiss (which I was kind of stingy in giving out anyway, so it was a big deal! :) I made this tag and attached a baggie of Hershey's kisses.
What makes the whole things more meaningful is that he gave me this card and chocolate kisses way back when it was the 2-MONTH anniversary of that first kiss:
I loved doing something that was a little cheesy and silly--because if you can't be cheesy and silly with the person you're married to, then with who? Stop by my blog any time to say hi or check out some of these things I've done:  

Thanks so much Steph! Loved it!
See you next Tuesday for another ROMANCE SPOTLIGHT!

Happy Dating!


Monday, March 26, 2012

Dating Tips: Visitor's Guide

 There are opportunities for free dates everywhere. Finding them can be tricky though. 
Newspapers can helpful and so can Visitor Guides. 

When Hubby and I first moved into our apartment, we grabbed a bunch of maps and tourist information about our city and state. They have really come in handy!
There are all sorts of places and activities that we were totally in the dark about. 
We have found plenty of community events, scenic drives, parks, parades, etc that we would have completely missed otherwise!
So if you are looking for some more local date night ideas. Stop by your chamber of commerce and grab some tourist info. You may be surprised at what you have been missing in your own city!

Happy Dating!

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I love warm weather!! Love Love Love it. 
Don't you?

We have been having some fantastic weather lately so Hubby and I took advantage of it for our date night this weekend. After pulling out our gloves and a softball, we went outside to play a little catch. 
It was great! 
1.Warm weather
2. One-on-one time with each other
3. An outdoor date
If you don't have baseball gloves, no sweat. Grab a football, tennis ball, frisbee....anything! A pine-cone if you have to. Just go outside and play a little catch with each other. 

Wishing you all good weather so you can enjoy it together!

Happy Dating!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dating Tips: Newspaper Finds

I am always on the lookout for cheap dates. Free preferably. 
And it turns out that your local newspaper may be more helpful in this search than you might think. 


Every week I make sure to check out the community calendar of events in our local paper. I must admit that most of the "events" are at the senior center. You know, things like bingo and cafeteria meals with your granddaughter type of stuff. As fun as that sounds...I don't think we're ready for that yet. 
But every once in awhile I stumble upon some winners. 
Last month for instance, as I was flipping through pages I found an add for these little gems:

FREE tickets to see The United States Air Force R&B Jazz Ensemble!
Pretty exciting stuff.

A concert? For Free? Not bad!

Check out your paper and see what kind of dates you and your Hubby can find!

Happy Dating!

Linking up:
Thankful Thursdays Button

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Romance Spotlight

Hello everyone and welcome to my weekly ROMANCE SPOTLIGHT!
I've been at it again. I just love cute proposals and LOVE surprises! This video has both and is just adorable. Take a few minutes to watch it. It will make your day. It certainly made mine.

See you next Tuesday for another ROMANCE SPOTLIGHT!
Happy Dating!

Monday, March 19, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Movie Date

Happy (Belated) St. Patrick's Day! 
(Sorry I have been so sporadic this past week! We are having some computer problems....gggrrrr.)
For most holidays, Hubby and I have a special movie that we like to watch. 

On Saturday we watched Darby O'Gill and the Little People. 
Darby O'Gill and the Little People Poster
It's a great movie for St. Patrick's Day. A great love story with a young Sean Connery and full of  leprechauns. And best of all it's great for all ages! Even if you can't make it a date, it's tons of fun to watch as a family. 
For your St. Patty's Day Date next year, try ending your evening with this cute holiday favorite!

Happy Dating!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Romance Spotlight: Lori

Hello everyone and welcome to my weekly ROMANCE SPOTLIGHT! Lori from Always Learning is here to share some insights on dating your husband. Make sure to stop by her blog and say hi!
Take it away Lori!

We were encouraged before we got married to go on a date once a week with each other even after we got married.   We were faithful about doing this the first several years of marriage, but usually ended up fighting.  Since the dates weren't that much fun, we stopped.

Nothing is fun to do with your spouse when you don't like each other.  But guess what, almost everything is fun to do with them when you enjoy each other.  We had to learn to enjoy each other and be friends.  The single most important thing to becoming friends is to treat each other like a friend.

I was, unfortunately, treating Ken like most women treat their husbands.  He was constantly irritating me and not behaving like I wanted him to behave.  I became his mother somehow and he became my son that I needed to train and discipline.

I see this over and over again in marriages.  Men don't want a mother or a competitor, they want a wife ~ 

They want that woman they fell in love with. 

That women they had fun with and that laughed at his jokes. 

That listened to him when he talked and found him interesting. 

He wants a wife that loves him just the way that he is with all his faults and bad habits.  THEN life becomes one long date.  Ken and I have fun together now whether we walk around the neighborhood, go to church together, go out for breakfast, or I drive him to the airport in the wee hours of the morning for him to catch a plane for a business trip.

We no longer argue during drives in the car, when he calls me on the phone, or when we take a walk together.  We are friends.  Friends at last...Every day is like we are dating now.  You don't have to be rich to date.  You just have to decide to love each other just the way you are and treat each other with the same respect and kindness you would treat a friend, except flirt a lot more with your husband than you would with a friend!

Dating for life is fun!  I highly recommend it.

Let your fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of your youth.
Proverbs 5:18

Thanks so much Lori! Loved it!

See you next Tuesday for another ROMANCE SPOTLIGHT!

Happy Dating!


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Love Notes on the Mirror

The other day I walked into the bathroom and saw this on my mirror. 
Too sweet right? 
Little love notes like this don't cost a cent and can bring a smile to your loved one's face. 
It sure made my day!

Write your spouse a little note with something you like about them and put it where they will be sure to see it. The mirror, their pillow, the refrigerator....anywhere!
Go do it. Now!
Then kick back and wait for the smiles to roll in. 

Happy Dating!

Linking up:
Thankful Thursdays Button

Friday, March 9, 2012

NBA Game

You guys!
Can I tell you that this was THE BEST FREE date that we have been on in awhile?

I know what you're thinking: NBA game? Free?

But it was! How do you pull something like this off? Make friends with rich people.
I kid I kid.....but seriously.
Long story short, we know a guy who knows a [rich] guy who has season tickets to the Charlotte Bobcats. He couldn't make it to this game and so eventually his tickets made their way down to us poor college folk. We dropped Sweet B off with some great friends and were off!
The tickets came with parking and food too! Triple Score! 
Michael Jordan happens to own this team and we were hoping to maybe see him...no luck. 
BUT, there was an awesome brass band preforming after the game. Personally, I would have picked that anyway. Take that MJ. 
I know professional games like this can be really pricey. But if you happen to have the cash for a game on hand, I would highly recommend it. Nose bleed sections are usually much cheaper and you can opt out of buying their expensive food. Or if nothing else, cuddle up together on the couch and pretend you're at the game! However you do it, try watching your favorite sport together for your next date night. 

Happy Dating!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Romance Spotlight

Hello everyone and welcome to my weekly ROMANCE SPOTLIGHT! I am doing something a little different today. Instead of reading about a proposal, I would like you to watch one. 

This couple's proposal is INCREDIBLY SWEET! I live for this kind of stuff. And I must admit that part of the reason I started this blog was so I would have an excuse to read and watch mushy, cutesy stuff like this all the time. *Sigh* When I watch this one my heart starts pounding so loudly that I'm sure everyone can hear it.
 You HAVE to watch it!

Better than the movies? I have to hand it to them....it totally was!

See you next Tuesday for another ROMANCE SPOTLIGHT!
Happy Dating!

P.S. Giveaway coming soon! Once I hit 100 GFC followers I will be giving away a free date to a lucky couple!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ping Pong

So after our tree swing date the other day, we decided to go and play a little ping pong. Our local institute building has an awesome game room that is open to anyone. In other words...FREE!
 I totally kicked Hubby's trash by the way. Not that I am competitive or anything. 
We also went and checked out a new store in our neighborhood.
It was really cute and we got ourselves a little something to sip on during our ping pong match. Who can resist chocolate milk from a creamery? Not me, that's for sure. 
This wasn't a date to see an exciting movie, or to a fancy restaurant but it was fun just the same. The important thing is spending time with your Hubby. If you're needing a free date, try exploring shops together or a game of ping pong. It's more fun than you'd think!

Happy Dating!