Friday, August 26, 2011

Dream house hunting

Nap time date again.

Since hubby had to work tonight, we opted for a day time date. We thought it would be fun to drive around and explore some neighborhoods that we aren't familiar with and look for dream house ideas.

I only have a few photos because the battery in my camera died on our drive but we found some beautiful homes! I never thought we could live here after we are done with school but now I am having second thoughts...

This one was awesome! I went online to check it out when we got home and the interior is even better. There is a gorgeous spiral staircase and lovely fireplaces. Not to mention a great location.

This was absolutely adorable. Hubby and I fell in love. There wasn't really a place to pull over and take a picture though. Lame...

I actually don't particularly like this next one. Like, at all. But its so Virginia. At least to me.

Our date this week? Spending time "house dreaming" together. And the best part is that its free! Can't beat that!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Drive on the parkway

Hubby and I found a new way to have dates without a babysitter.

Go durning nap time.

Now that we have a car that works, we have been itching to GO somewhere. ANYWHERE. Why? Because we can! Not only that, but we're no longer afraid of breaking down. That has happened way too many times. I think I will pass on those experiences from now on.

Anyway, we piled into our new beauty and hit the hills. We happen to live right at the base of the blue ridge parkway and had never been up there. Since we left right at nap time, sweet B slept for the whole date. It was nice to have some one on one time with hubby but still have our little one with us. It is beautiful up there! We found a lookout spot and stopped for some photos.

We mostly enjoyed taking our new ride out for a spin on the twisty roads. You like? Because we sure do!

I never could figure out why they called these the blue ridge mountains until we moved here. Now I get. So blue! And so beautiful! Doesn't it remind you of that Louis Armstrong song "What a wonderful world"?

Our date wasn't on Friday Night this week. We didn't have a sitter either. But I wouldn't have changed one thing about it. It was fun and we had "us time". Thats all that matters.

My new challenge is trying to balance school schedules, sports practices and work into our dating plans. Wish me luck and hope I don't fall!

Sharing my nap time tip at:
Tip Junkie handmade projects

Thankful Thursdays Button

August Catch-Up

After an extended period of absence, the date nights have returned! Being out of a camera and car, combined with crazy schedules made it pretty difficult for awhile. But with a new camera and car (yay!) we are back in business.

Did anyone ever make these growing up?

I know I sure did. As kids, my brother and I loved to make forts.We would play in them, sleep in them, and never ever clean them up like we promised Mom we would. Sorry Mom! They are just too fun, right?

For one of our family friendly dates, we decided to recreate some of those memories. After making our little fort, books were read, stories told, songs sung and just enjoyed each others company.

On another day, we all went to our local shopping district down town. We had a ball walking up and down the city streets window shopping. Our little one especially did. She is loving the whole walking thing.

I really enjoy spending time with my little family. Sometimes sitting at home under a blanket is as good as it gets. More dates to come. I have a lot of catch up to do since we have a camera now! See you next Friday Night for Date Night!